Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Flip Flops

Mary took great care to make sure her toes were painted. She doesn't usually go for the gaudy or flashy nail colors - I am sure it was a subdued tone. She tries to look nice and take care of herself.

She didn't think anything of walking across the pasture this morning to feed the chickens in her flip flops until she opened the chicken coop's old red door. She is always greeted by pullets eager to express their fondness with a peck and some poop.

This time she was not disappointed in their rush of affection. Those shiny colored nails dangling there on her toes through the flip flops was an overwhelming hit with those birds. The pullets rushed her with bruising speed and laid some rather painful pecks on her feet and legs.

Thankfully she survived to tell the tale and all is forgiven.

But probably not forgotten.

Mary wanted me to add that shorts and chickens don't mix either.

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